Darren Palmer’s tips for a simple Christmas
What with The Block, Reno Rumble, a busy interior design practice, magazine appearances, a new house purchase and a young son, it's probably not surprising Darren Palmer is looking forward to a simple celebration this year! He shares his ideas about table styling and his secret to fresh seafood...
My kind of Christmas is:
A family day full of food and laughter, with a good nap at about 3pm when you’re so full you can’t bear it.
My advice for pre-Christmas parties is:
Moderation. I’m the king of moderation. I either don’t drink or have one champagne up front and then mineral water for the rest of the event. Also choosing which things you attend will help you get to Christmas day with some energy in reserve.
On Christmas Day I’ll be:
At my home with my folks, my in-laws, my family and my sister and my nephew. It’s going to be an awesome Christmas celebration and we all can’t wait.
My top tip for Christmas decorating is:
Simple is best. I like to dress the table with food and napery, beautiful plates and candles with some Christmas decorations strewn throughout. I could do the whole Martha Stewart Christmas thing but frankly it’s much more fun to have a free wheeling table with a bit of glitz and tinsel.
This year I’m buying:
Santa is buying a few super fun things for our boy. We have to do a proper shop soon for the rest of the family including each other. Probably leaving it a bit late but it all works out.
I secretly hope someone gives me:
I don’t need for anything and I’m truly grateful to have my family around me at Christmas.
After Christmas I’ll be reading/listening to/seeing:
We’ll be flocking to see Star Wars and knowing my schedule, the only time I’ll get to see it is after Christmas. We’re a bit excited about it in our household and we’ve been watching the back catalogue the last few weeks to really amp up the excitement. Otherwise I’ll be listening to the ocean or a guided meditation to recharge my batteries. Reading? Lord knows but chances are I’ll be reading my manuscript for my next book, due toward the end of next year.
My best #lifehack for Christmas time is:
I buy my seafood from a mate that owns a restaurant so I can avoid the fish markets but still get super fresh food.
Follow Darren via Facebook or Instagram @darrenpalmerofficial.
Originally published as: https://www.templeandwebster.com.au/style-and-advice/Darren-Palmers-tips-for-a-simple-Christmas-E10672
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